My JavaScript book is out! Don't miss the opportunity to upgrade your beginner or average dev skills.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Toward Better Code Quality

I regret yesterday I've written a post full of anger, in my "good old" style, a post I've put back as draft 'cause it will not reach who it should reach, but it will offend who won't care about the message I was trying to make: stop following other developers and other companies code styles!

OK, but where to learn how to code?

It's easy for me to spot things that aren't right, I have many years of experience and I know JavaScript specs by heart. What is not trivial at all for new comers, is how to recognize and where to find the right material in order to learn coding the right way.
Few days ago, at Microsoft JS Open Day, a developer humbly asked me which book would be good in order to update his ES6 knowledge. I've pointed him at latest Dr. Axel Rauschmayer's book, but that's already for someone that knows quite well JavaScript. I would eventually suggest Kyle Simpson's YDKJS books series too, 'cause while me and Kyle often disagree on patterns and sometimes pragmatism, I know Kyle's JS knowledge is hardly beatable and well transcribed in his latest books.
Another excellent effort in this field is given by Eric Elliott online courses, and I could go on mentioning gurus from CSS and HTML/UI world, 'cause indeed ...

It's not only JavaScript

I've graduated just yesterday at the first W3C's official HTML5 course, and the main reason I've taken such course was to understand its technical level. The course talks about basic things and never goes too deep into proposed patterns, it gives you a decent understanding of what's the web and how can you use it through HTML5 markup and JavaScript programming language at its very lowest potential.
However, the first course is not exactly an "up and running" one, there will be more courses to follow and I probably won't mind refreshing my knowledge there but you? What if you don't have 6 weeks time, no direct contact with a teacher if not through a forum, no ability to understand step by step every single dot needed to satisfy your needs? Many new comers indeed were full of questions and the support has been great, but we all know having direct interaction with "a professor" is not exactly the same thing of watching a video and practicing home by your own, right?
I've finally decided, beside doing regular consultancy, to stop moaning about how many bad articles, suggested practices, style guides are there on the internet, fighting the problem directly, exposing everything I know in full-immersion weekly courses of a maximum of 6 people in order to grant best ad-hoc, face to face, learning experience.

Introducing HTML5, JS, and Mobile Web trainings

That's correct, I am starting classes for both new comers and professionals that would like to learn how to code and step into the next level.
You can find all details in the HTML5, JS, and Mobile Web course page, and while I'm still completing site and classroom setup, you can already contact me if interested: we'll start from the 17th of August and I am looking forward to hear from you and tell you how to Web the right way. "What about server side and universal JS" ... you say? There is a course focused on JS only too, plus the flexibility to build up ad-hoc skills via face to face private consultancy.

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